xxx To Do List
Before going Live
1. Frount Page Banner
Working Well -
1. The Words i think would work better if were white
2. Link botton - error 404
Seach now working by showing dicontinued products after current
1. Need to remove the include Discontinued dropdown
1.Cicking on Barket or Price
Needs to open the basket.
2. Dropdown
1. Nice if you could remove products
2. Should the botton read View Backet not Check Out
3. In Basket
1. Unable to change and update qty
2. Continue shopping idealy needs to take you back to the page you came from.
3. Items in basket do not render well on phone.
1. Web Forwarding
1. Secure Shopping Link
Error 404
2. Subscribe
not centered in box
Need to see and test
1. Landing Page
After Going Live
1. Need to be able to link to internal or exturnal link
1. The All Product Drop down should be 3 options
1. Current products - Blue logic staus Normal or Active and New release
2. Include Discontinued - Results as showing now
3. Legacy products - Only display - Blue Logic status Discontined or Inactive
Efectivly same search but displaying filtered results.
Default should be Current products
4. Seach Results
When typing in two word seach needs to return only the results containing both words but not nesseccery in the same order.
5. Seach not working in phones
Wish List
1. Web Price
Might be an idear to add extra price field for future use.
2. Query Blue logic
from a product back end would be good if we could veiw and long term edit product data on blue logic.
We would need a query blue logic button that would say open a popup or window and pull the following data from bluelogic.
Product Code - Not Changeable
Title - Changeable and write back
Status - 1,2 or 3 - and write back
Available Stock - Not Changeable
Cost Price - Changeable and write back
Sell price - Changeable and write back
Web price - Changeable and write back
As we are not displaying the short discription field in categories we could order using this. Not the best fix as categories are displayed in different places.
1. Reports
Example google speed sheet.
Report needs to output in an XL format.
Need to be able to run reports by Manufacturer (new data Base)
Reports only show current products (product status)
id - Is Blue Logics Part number - Would be better if it was Bluelogics ID number (new web data base)
Title - Product Nane from new web data base
description - Product discripsion from new data base with any no raw test removed.
link - Web address
Condition - All are new not pulled from data bases.
Price - Web price must have GBP on the end - pulled from blue logic (web or office)
Avaliabity - In Stock All are new not pulled from data bases.
image link - image web address
Brand - Will need to be pulled from blue logic (office)
gtin - Will need to be pulled from blue logic (office) dose need any prefex 00 to show
mpn - Can be pulled from new web data base
Product type - will need to be pulled from blue logic (office)
2. Auto price update
Sales & Support - Boat Show Support
Diagnosis & Repairs - Mobile workshops, Extensive stock of spares
Fitting & Commissioning - All