Alpine, Lakes & Rivers -NSEU066R
Chart Code: NSEU066R
Covers the lakes and rivers of the Alpine region of Europe. Coastal coverage includes Lakes Constance (Upper, Lower and Seerhein), Zurich, Lucerne, Geneva, Thun, Brienz, Annecy, Bourget, d'Aiguebelette, Lake of Sainte-Croix, Neuchatel, Maggiore, Orta, Como, Iseo, Lugano, Garda, Biel and Neusiedl/Ferto. Rivers include the Rhine from its headwaters to Germersheim, the Danube from its headwaters to Bratislava, the Necklar from its headwaters to Offenau and the Main-Danube Canal from Hilpoltein to the Danube. Other rivers include the Isar, the Inn, the Salzach and the Lech in their entireties.