B&G Triton2 Explore
Multi-purpose Sailing Instruments
B&G Triton²
Sailing Instruments and Autopilots
Triton² provides sailors with a clear view of key instrument data such as speed, depth, wind and heading along with a dedicated SailSteer technology page, designed specifically for sailors. Combined with a Triton² Pilot Keypad, the display can also serve as a complete autopilot control system.

Your Complete Instrument and Autopilot System
The Triton² display’s low profile design, efficient LCD technology and easy installation makes it the perfect choice on cruising sailboats, or integrated within a full navigation system on cruising and racing boats.
Configure the Triton² display to essential instrument data or combine with a Triton² pilot keypad to create a fully functional autopilot controller.

Dedicated Sailing Features
With sailing specific features including award winning SailSteer and WindPlot screens – along with integration with Zeus and Vulcan navigation systems for AIS and Sailing Time data, the Triton² is the sailor’s solution.
- See your optimum tacking angles and easily work out your laylines with SailSteer.
- Understand recent changes in wind speed and direction with Wind Plot
- Count down to the race start with Race Timer

NMEA 2000® Certified
NMEA 2000 certification means you can be confident when adding Triton2 to an existing NMEA 2000 system. NMEA 2000 certification also opens up a wide variety of future expansion options for your Triton² system.

NAC Autopilot Computers
The brains behind your B&G autopilot system.
NAC Computer contains B&G’s Reflex control algorithms, developed to helm a yacht across a broad range of weather conditions and sea-states, alongside the electronics needed to operate a hydraulic or mechanical drive unit, while also interfacing with other components including heading sensors and rudder feedback units.

WR10 Wireless Autopilot Remote
Add a bluetooth autopilot remote to your system.
With just five buttons delivering comprehensive autopilot control, the WR10 strikes the perfect balance between a compact design and buttons large enough to be operated easily by any fingers in any conditions.

HVision Display Compatable
Add HVision displays to your system.
Compact HVision bonded displays provide ultra clear instrument information with zero condensation. HV Displays store 14 configurable pages, so whether you want to see True Wind Angle, COG or SOG, getting the crucial information in the right place is simple.