Raymarine AIS5000 Class A First Response AIS Transponder
Designed for maritime first responders, search and rescue (SAR) and law enforcement agencies, the AIS5000 Automatic Identification System (AIS) transceiver delivers robust Class A AIS network capability and serves as a gateway device for secure text messaging in the maritime domain. AIS5000 integrates with Raymarine encrypted multifunction displays to enable secure ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore messaging, tasking, intel sharing, SAR coordination and much more. Raymarine’s encrypted navigation system is the only system certified to the US Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS 140-2) and offers Secure but Unclassified Tactical Exchange Data System (STEDS) capability to authorized participating agencies.
Raymarine AIS4000 Class A AIS Transponder
£2,121.46 ex-VAT
Raymarine AIS5000 Class A First Response AIS Transponder
£4,600.63 ex-VAT