Raymarine Magnum Radar
High Performance, Long Range Open Array Radar
Magnum high performance open array radars bring long range performance and unmatched small target radar imaging to Raymarine multifunction navigation displays. Employing many of the same radar technologies trusted by the United States Coast Guard, Magnum offers enhanced target tracking and reliable performance, all packaged in a sleek open-array pedestal built to withstand the elements. Magnum is available in 4kW or 12kW power output options, and with either a four-foot or six-foot antenna array option. It offers a maximum range up to 96nm for 12kW models – ideal for blue water vessels – and up to 72nm for 4kW models. The perfect companion to Raymarine’s award-winning Axiom® and Axiom Pro multifunction navigation displays (MFD) running LightHouse 3